ATF Launches Firearm Robbery fflAlert System and Loss Prevention Guidance

Written by jon rydberg


January 16, 2017


On January 23, ATF will deploy FFLAlert to inform Type 01 and Type 02 licensees of a robbery or burglary in their area. The alerts will be sent to business telephones between 9am and 5pm (all time zones), 7 days per week. It is important to note that no information will be collected from FFLs during these calls, the victimized FFL will not be identified, and there is no requirement to call back or follow-up.

Additionally, ATF has released a brochure to aid firearms retailers in creating and assessing security and loss prevention measures at their licensed locations. FFLs who discover the theft or loss are required to report the incident in accordance with the time and filing requirements stated in the regulation. A report must be made to ATF by calling 1-888-930-9275 (a toll free number) and by completing and submitting by fax or mail ATF Form 3310.11, Federal Firearms Licensee Theft/Loss Report.

In addition to providing information on an FFLs theft / loss regulatory requirements, the brochure highlights what the ATF considers best security practices and provides useful tips regarding how to maintain or upgrade security tools and several suggested internal and external loss prevention controls. Store security provides a safeguard against theft or loss of retail which can have an impact on sales, safety and insurance rates. For useful information on steps that can be taken to reduce your vulnerability to theft or burglary, please refer to ATF P 5380.1, Loss Prevention for Firearms Retailers.

More information regarding fflAlert may be found at ATF’s website,, upon the January 23, 2017 launch.

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