FIC 2023 Agenda: Pre-Con Workshops (May 1)

Written by jon rydberg


February 16, 2023


White text atop blue background next to 2023 Firearms Industry Conference, Orchid and Williams Mullen logos

This spring, the 9th annual Firearms Industry Conference (FIC) will take place in Atlanta, Georgia for the second consecutive year. Organized by Orchid and Williams Mullen’s Firearms Industry Group, FIC 2023 will host licensed firearms businesses and industry professionals for three days of expert-led education, regulatory agency engagement, and networking opportunities. 

For those wanting to get even more out of the event, the day prior (May 1, 2023) to the conference’s main event offers three extended, interactive workshops. While normal sessions run 50-80 minutes, FIC workshops are scheduled for two and a half hours to allow for a deeper dive into each topic and greater engagement between speakers and attendees. As such, workshop topics are often more specific than the conference’s main learning tracks.

This year’s sessions, also run concurrently, will closely examine timely matters relating to laws and revocation, liability, and exports. Each workshop will be led by subject matter experts, offering a chance to learn from knowledgeable and experienced professionals in their respective fields.

Whether this is your first Firearms Industry Conference or you’re a long-time conference veteran, we guarantee there’s new information and insight to be gained by everyone who attends FIC 2023. View the Pre-Con Workshops below and join our upcoming webinar on what to expect from this year’s conference.

Pre-Conference Workshops

For workshop speakers and schedule, view the FIC 2023 agenda for Day 3.

Federal & State Laws, ATF Inspections and Revocations

Each year, ATF conducts thousands of FFL inspections and revokes dozens of licenses. ATF also engages in the rulemaking process, changing the regulatory, legal and business landscape with the potential to impact your operations and compliance program. FFLs are also required to abide by State laws, which change even more frequently than those at the Federal level.

This extended session will discuss FFL inspection violations, Reports of Violation, the ATF revocation process, and the latest ATF regulatory actions.

Liability Exposure, ‘Reasonable Controls’ & Guarding Against Litigation Risk

Several states have passed new laws that require FFLs to adopt “reasonable controls” to prevent the misuse of products. Meanwhile, plaintiffs’ counsel and gun control groups continue litigation campaigns against the industry.

This extended session will discuss best practices and sound compliance measures to guard against these new liabilities.

Firearm and Ammunition U.S. Export Mechanics

This extended session will address three topics designed to fill the knowledge and capability gaps related to fundamental U.S. export control and compliance concerns.

The first topic is designed to provide a better understanding of U.S. government export control and management mechanics, including the agencies involved and their roles, their inter-relationships with each other and the firearm and ammunition industry, and the primary regulations and related products that enable the export control system.

Second is the topic of U.S. export-controlled information and appropriate access by Foreign Nationals, including key regulatory definitions, concepts, requirements, and business considerations related to Foreign Nationals’ access to or receiving U.S. export-controlled information within or outside the U.S.

Lastly, the session will provide a walkthrough of DDTC and BIS internet portals, DECCS and SNAP-R, to better familiarize attendees with the ins and outs of how to interface with the agencies.

2023 Firearms Industry Conference (FIC) logo and white text atop blue background

Registration & Sponsorship

With dozens of new learning sessions and speakers, FIC 2023 promises to be another exciting and successful education and networking event for all FFLs and firearms professionals. Register your team to attend one event – or all three – and don’t miss the premier industry experience of the year.

Ticket Options:

FIC On-Air (Virtual): $195
FIC Workshops (In-Person): $395
FIC Main Event (In-Person): $795
Both In-Person Events: $1,190
All FIC 2023 Events: $1,385

In addition, session and event sponsorships are also available for any budget. Get more than a logo with complimentary FIC On-Air and Main Event registration, conference signage, marketing and press inclusion, and more. Contact us for more information and to claim your spot among industry leaders.

What to Expect at FIC 2023