Orchid Webinar to Review ATF Ruling 2022-1 and FFL Impact

Written by jon rydberg


October 10, 2022


White text atop red background next to Orchid Webinars and 4473 Cloud logos
HARTFORD, CT (October 11, 2022) – The industry leader in FFL technology, payment processing, and compliance services, Orchid is excited to announce a live webinar on Tuesday, Oct. 18, to discuss the impact of ATF Ruling 2022-1 on FFLs. Led by Orchid CEO Jon Rydberg and Silencer Shop VP of Business Development and Sales, Travis Glover, the webinar will review recently authorized alternate methods of digitally storing ATF Forms 4473.

“Now that firearm transaction records must be kept indefinitely, it’s not a matter of if dealers will run out of space to store paper forms, but when,” said Glover, also of 4473 Cloud. “ATF Ruling 2022-1 offers retailers a compliant solution to requirements imposed by 2021R-05 that doesn’t burden licensees or require an approved ATF variance. It’s a win-win for FFLs.”

During the webinar, Rydberg and Glover will also be joined by FFL Law attorney and Orchid VP of Regulatory Services, Philip Milks, to break down ATF’s open letter clarifying Final Rule 2021R-05F. Milks will review the latest determinations and visual examples differentiating frames/receivers from firearms, as well as new requirements for firearm serialization and licensee recordkeeping.

“Both of these rulings have wide-ranging effects on firearms industry members,” said Rydberg. “This webinar will discuss critical compliance and technology topics that impact the operations of every manufacturing, importing, and retail FFL. We encourage all to attend.”

Webinar: FFL Impact: ATF Rulings 2021R-05F & 2022-1
Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Time: 2:00 pm ET
– Travis Glover, Silencer Shop & 4473 Cloud
– Jon Rydberg, Orchid
– Philip Milks, FFL Law & Orchid

The webinar is scheduled for 45 minutes, followed by an interactive question-and-answer period. To register, please visit orchidadvisors.com/ATFRulings.

About Orchid LLC
Celebrating 10 years of serving the shooting sports industry, Orchid LLC and partner firm, FFL Law, offer leading FFL software, firearms-friendly payment processing, and legal and regulatory services. With powerful POS, Ecommerce, Bound Book, and ERP solutions, as well as expert knowledge of ATF, import/export, and state-level regulations, Orchid helps FFLs profitably manufacture, distribute, and sell firearms with great efficiency and the utmost compliance. Get started today at orchidadvisors.com.

About 4473 Cloud
Designed to simplify day-to-day operations, 4473 Cloud makes digitally stored ATF Forms 4473 available to all FFLs. Platform agnostic, 4473 Cloud works with all e4473 software and is backed by both attorney and ATF compliance to safely store, search, and secure your 4473s. A Powered by Silencer Shop company, 4473 Cloud applies more than a decade of technical prowess and industry experience to a streamlined application and user-friendly digital storage solution. Make the move at 4473cloud.com.

Press Contact:
Joe Kriz
Communications Manager, Orchid LLC

ATF Rulings Webinar