Earlier today the Federal District Court for the District of Colorado issued a preliminary injunction against Colorado SB 169 in the case Rocky Mountain Gun Owners v. Polis. From the Court: “ORDERED that the defendant and his officers, agents, servants, employees, and all persons in concert or participation with them who receive notice of this preliminary injunction are enjoined, effective immediately, from enforcing SB23-169. ORDERED that this preliminary injunction shall remain in effect pending disposition of the case on the merits.” This means that until litigation is concluded, Colorado residents over the age of 18 may continue purchasing rifles and shotguns from Federal Firearms Licensees.
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To learn more about Colorado Bill SB 169, visit the Colorado General Assembly website at https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/sb23-169 or contact Orchid to obtain US-wide monitoring firearm bill monitoring and state restriction services with Orchid eState.