Orchid Advisors at Shot Show Answering to NY Gun laws

Written by jon rydberg


January 16, 2013


The New York statutory environment changed on January 15th, and it changed quickly.  We awoke at 5am to news the NY Senate passed S.2230 late the night before.  And by the time we touched down in Las Vegas for the 2013 Shot Show A2388 passed NY’s Gov Andrew Cuomo signed it into law. The 39 page bill made changes to the Penal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Family Court Act, Domestic Relations Law, Executive Law, General Business Law, Judiciary Law, and the Surrogate’s Courts Procedure Act. There are many significant changes which will come back to, but it’s important that firearms manufacturers immediately review the provisions on pages 18,19, and 20 relative to specific firearm features.  These provisions will be housed in NY Penal Law section 265, subdivision 22. The new provisions of P.L. 265.22 are organized by firearm types: Semi automatic pistol, revolving cylinder shotgun, and semi-automatic rifle.    Implementation of these new provisions, along with others, will be rapid.  Both passage and implementation is much faster than typical, and creates the probability that FFL’s could be caught unaware. Penalties span monetary fines, to incarceration, to license revocation. Here at Orchid Advisors, our goal is your compliance in firearms, defense, and aerospace manufacturing.  Please contact us to discuss this important new legislation in NY or wherever your business is situated.  And we look forward to meeting you at the 2013 Shot Show.