FIC 2022 to Examine Legal, Finance, Compliance & Technology Topics Impacting FFLs

Written by jon rydberg


March 31, 2022


White text atop red background next to FIC 2022, Orchid and Williams Mullen logos

HARTFORD, CT (March 31, 2022) – Orchid and Williams Mullen’s Firearms Industry Group are pleased to announce a comprehensive agenda of legal, finance, compliance and technology learning sessions impacting FFLs at the 2022 Firearms Industry Conference (FIC), to be held virtually and in-person on April 21–27. Educational sessions will be led by experienced firearms industry professionals, federal agency personnel, firearms and corporate law attorneys, and subject matter experts examining topics across three key learning tracks: Firearms Industry Law & Finance, FFL Compliance, and FFL Technology.

“Since our first conference in 2014, FIC education has evolved from core ATF, import, and export topics to include broader FFL operations impacted by regulation,” said Orchid CEO, Jon Rydberg. “Creating an extensive agenda is always a challenge, but with the collective experience of our team, Williams Mullen and industry partners, we believe we’ve put together the most informative and engaging sessions yet for FIC 2022. Further, with the addition of FIC On-Air™ virtual sessions, there’s not only more ways to participate in this year’s conference, but more opportunities to educate professionals across the firearms industry.”

New for 2022, FIC On-Air™ will host live, 20-minute online learning sessions relating to FFL technology and compliance. To be held April 21–22, the virtual event was designed to elevate the tactical knowledge of new or existing FFLs and their employees. The conference will continue in-person in Atlanta with longer form, in-depth workshops on April 25, followed by two days of keynotes, roundtable discussions and learning sessions during the main conference on April 26–27.

With over 40 sessions scheduled across all FIC events, notable topics include:

Firearms Industry Law & Finance

  • Soup-to-Nuts Responsibilities of an FFL ‘Responsible Person’
  • Best Practices for Managing State & Local Firearms Compliance
  • Managing Legal Risks in the Supply Chain
  • Intellectual Property Issues Impacting the Firearm Industry
  • Avoiding Hidden Merchant Processing Fees

FFL Compliance

  • Identifying, Correcting & Eliminating 4473 Errors
  • Managing the Retail Compliance Function in a Changing Paper/Tech World
  • Deep Dive into Today’s ATF Inspections
  • Navigating ATF Compliance Matters and Revocations
  • Firearm and Ammunition U.S. Export Mechanics

FFL Technology

  • Managing Firearm Inventory with a Modern POS, ERP & Ecommerce Platform
  • ATF and FFL eStorage Technology
  • A Retailers Decision: Which Ecommerce Platform is Right for Me?
  • Creating an Endless Aisle of Products with Live Distributor Inventories
  • ATF eForms: Soup to Nuts

To register for or sponsor FIC 2022, visit A portion of all event registrations and sponsorships will be donated to Project ChildSafe. Attendees are encouraged to make hotel reservations at Westin Buckhead Atlanta by April 3 at

Firearms Industry Conference banner

About Orchid LLC
Orchid LLC and its family of companies, including partner firm FFL Law, have been offering business software, firearms-friendly payments, and legal and regulatory services to the shooting sports industry for over a decade. With powerful POS, ecommerce, ERP and Bound Book solutions, as well as expert knowledge of ATF, import/export and state-level regulations, Orchid helps FFLs profitably manufacture, distribute and sell firearms with great efficiency and the utmost compliance. Get started today at

About Williams Mullen
Williams Mullen is a regional, full-service law firm with offices across North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. The firm’s Firearms Industry Group helps industry members navigate legal issues from regulatory compliance to e-commerce development, financing needs and interest from the venture capital world. In addition, Williams Mullen attorneys provide advice and counsel in matters involving Import/Export Controls, White Collar & Investigations, Cybersecurity & Data Protection, Intellectual Property, Employment Law, Government Contracting and legal aspects of social media marketing. Learn how Williams Mullen can assist your company at

About Project ChildSafe
NSSF, the trade association of the firearms industry, launched Project ChildSafe in 1999 (originally as Project HomeSafe). Since 1999, the program has provided more than 40 million free firearm safety kits and gun locks to firearm owners in all 50 states through partnerships with thousands of law enforcement agencies across the country. That’s in addition to the more than 70 million free locking devices manufacturers have included, and continue to include, with new firearms sold since 1998. While helping to prevent accidents among children is a focus, Project ChildSafe is intended to help adults practice greater firearm safety in the home. For more information, visit

Press Contact:
Jon Rydberg
CEO, Orchid LLC

Attend & Sponsor FIC 2022