Orchid Get My FFL™
Get your SOT / FFL License
Looking to obtain your FFL License? Get unlimited access for a one-time payment of $40.
Get a step-by-step guide to obtaining your FFL license type 01 – 11 and SOT license class 1- 3. All courses were designed by true FFL attorneys, firearm executives, former ATF with 40 years of industry experience.
Customers: Retail – Distributor – Manufacturing

FFL & SOT License Courses
$30 Unlimited Use – Never Expires
(Estimated Course Length: 2 Hours)
Course Details
In order to operate a business that makes, buys or sells firearms you must be properly licensed. We eliminate the risk of denial and facilitate every step of your application process.
Key Topics: Regulations Concerning FFLs, FFL and SOT Types. Where FFLs can Conduct Business. Includes Special Occupation Tax (SOT) information, and License Renewal and Termination Steps, and Required Paperwork for FFLs

FFL & SOT License + Retail Courses
$49.95 Unlimited Use – Never Expires
(Estimated Course Length: 6 Hours)
Bundle Details
This bundle combines all of the step-by-step knowledge of the Get My FFL and SOT course with specific knowledge for running a modern, retail firearm business.
Key Topics: Selling Firearms to Consumers, ATF Forms 4473 and FBI NICS Checks, ATF Multiple-sales Forms, Common Retail Compliance Issues, and Mastering Retail ATF Inspections

FFL & SOT License + Manufacturer Courses
$49.95 Unlimited Use – Never Expires
(Estimated Course Length: 6 Hours)
Bundle Details
Concealed carry handguns, suppressors modern sporting rifles are in high demand and supply is limited. Earn your stripes by getting licensed and operating your own firearm manufacturing business. This bundle combines the Get My FFL and SOT course with critical factory knowledge.
Key Topics: Machine, Mark and Assemble Guns, ITAR Applies to U.S. Firearm Factories, ATF Compliant Inventory Control, Common Manufacturing Compliance issues, Mastering Manufacturing ATF Inspections
FFL & SOT License + All Retail, Manufacturing, Import and Export Courses
$99.99 Unlimited Use – Never Expires
(Estimated Course Length: 12 Hours)
Bundle Details
Entering a new role as head of FFL compliance? Subscribing to the entire FFL University grants you unlimited access to FFL / SOT concepts, retail and manufacturing environments, eBound Book and e4473 technology and guided instruction for navigating through onsite ATF inspections.
Includes all of the following courses:
- Firearm Industry Business Fundamentals
- Firearm Law and FFL Licensing Made Easy
- FFL Bound Book (Acquisition and Disposition)
- Retail Gun Store and Type 01 FFL Requirements
- Manufacturing Firearms as a Type 07 or 10 FFL
- National Firearms Act and the Special Occupational Tax License
- FFL compliance Programs and Security
- Firearm Imports and Exports
- Extra Credit Topics in Compliance
Get My FFL Course Benefits
15 Online Modules with Live On-Call Support
Quick Start FFL / SOT Guide
Understanding FFL Types and Use
Business Premise and Gun Shows
Overview of Gun Control Act (GCA)
Mastering the Application Process
Obtaining a Special Occupation Tax (SOT)
Overview of National Firearms Act (NFA)
Correcting Application Errors
License Renewal and Termination

Additional Information About Federal Firearm Licenses (FFL) and Special Occupation Tax (SOT)
Overview: Types of FFL Licenses, FFL Cost and SOT Classes?
There are nine (9) Federal Firearms Licenses (FFLs) types that legalize the manufacture, import, distribution, collection or dealing in GCA and NFA firearms.
The following is an overview of the 9 ATF FFL Types, the approved use by FFL Type (in practical terms) and the Fees for Getting an FFL. Prior to applying for an FFL and engaging in business, a licensee should be sure to consult the approved activities, word-by-word, as provided by the ATF or with the assistance of a trained expert.
Federal Firearm License (FFL) Type 1-9
Launch a Firearm Business
Special Ocupational Tax (SOT) Class 1-3
Add NFA firearms to my business
ATF Forms
(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 4473, etc.)
Generate Manufacturing, Import, Export or Sales Transactions
What is an FFL?
An individual who is licensed to engage in the business of manufacturing, importing and/or dealing in firearms. Persons must be licensed by ATF to engage in the business of firearms.
What Type of FFL (Federal Firearms License) Do I Need?
An individual who is licensed to engage in the business of manufacturing, importing and/or dealing in firearms. Persons must be licensed by ATF to engage in the business of firearms.
FFL Types For Dealers
Type 01 FFL – Dealer in Firearms other than Destructive Devices
A Type 01 FFL permits a licensee to engage in the business firearm dealing (e.g., in practical terms – a retail operation) and gunsmithing.
Type 02 FFL – Pawnbroker in firearms other than Destructive Devices
A Type 02 FFL permits a licensee to engage in the business of firearm pawn brokering (e.g., a “Pawn Shop”)
Type 03 FFL – Collector of Curios and Relics
A Type 03 FFL permits a licensee to engage in the collection of firearms. It is used for purchasing, or other acquisition or trading of collectable firearms that meet the definition of a “Curios and Relic” in the Federal Regulations.
Type 09 FFL – Dealer in Destructive Devices
A Type 09 FFL permits a licensee to engage in the business of dealing in Destructive Devices. Customers of Type 09 FFL include government agencies. A Type 09 FFL, along with Type 10 and 11 FFLs, also permit a licensee to engage in the business of dealing Armor Piercing Ammunition and Destructive Devices (DD) as classified under Federal Regulations.
FFL Types For Manufacturers
Type 06 FFL – Manufacturer of Ammunition other than for Destructive Devices or Armor Piercing
A Type 06 FFL permits a licensee to engage in the business of manufacturing ammunition. However, a Type 06 FFL can only be used for ammunition and does not permit firearm related activities authorized by a Type 07 or Type 10 FFL, for example.
Type 07 FFL – Manufacturer of Firearms other than Destructive Devices
A Type 07 FFL permits a licensee to engage in the business of manufacturing firearms other than those defined as Destructive Devices in the Federal Regulations. The Type 07 FFL also permits a licensee to deal in firearms, similar in nature to the retail type of activities permitted by a Type 01 FFL.
Type 10 FFL – Manufacturer of Destructive Devices and Armor Piercing Ammunition
A Type 10 FFL permits a licensee to engage in the business of manufacturing Destructive Devices and Armor Piercing Ammunition.
Note – Generally, persons holding a manufacturer’s license (FFL Type 06, 07 or 10) must also register as a manufacturer with the Department of State (DOS) unless exempted by the Directorate of Defense Trade Control (DDTC), regardless of whether the manufacturer actually exports any of the items manufactured. Therefore, applicants intending to manufacture and/or export defense articles, as defined on the United States Munitions List (Part 121 of the ITAR), may need to register with Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC).
FFL Types For Importers
Type 08 FFL – Importer of Firearms and Ammunition other than Destructive Devices and Armor Piercing
A Type 08 FFL permits a licensee to engage in the business of importing firearms or ammunition into the United States.
Type 11 FFL – Importer of Destructive Devices and Armor Piercing Ammunition
A Type 11 FFL permits a licensee to engage in the business of importing Destructive Devices and Armor Piercing Ammunition. Such products are imported for Government and Military contracts and cannot be imported for introduction into commerce with citizens for personal use.
How Much Does an FFL License Cost?
FFL License costs vary depending on the FFL Type, as shown below.
- Type 01 FFL – $200 to apply, valid for 3 years and the FFL renewal cost is $90.
- Type 02 FFL – $200 to apply, valid for 3 years and the FFL renewal cost is $90.
- Type 03 FFL – $30 to apply, valid for 3 years and the FFL renewal cost is $30.
- Type 06 FFL – $30 to apply, valid for 3 years and the FFL renewal cost is $30.
- Type 07 FFL – $150 to apply, valid for 3 years and the FFL renewal cost is $150.
- Type 08 FFL – $150 to apply, valid for 3 years and the FFL renewal cost is $150.
- Type 09 FFL – $3,000 to apply, valid for 3 years and the FFL renewal cost is $3,000.
- Type 10 FFL – $3,000 to apply, valid for 3 years and the FFL renewal cost is $3,000.
- Type 11 FFL –$3,000 to apply, valid for 3 years and the FFL renewal cost is $3,000.
An FFL, of any type is valid for three years from the date of issuance (as stated on the license). It can, however, be closed or revoked prior to the expiration date.
What is an SOT or a Class 3 Dealer License?
Business who wish to engage in NFA firearm activities must also apply for a Special Occupational Tax (SOT) license. SOT’s are identified by Class and must be “paired” with the proper Type of FFL. (NFA stands for the National Firearms Act of 1934 and includes such firearm such as Short Barreled Rifles, Short Barreled Shotguns, Machine Guns or Suppressors.)
A Class 1 SOT Firearm License – Importer of NFA Firearms
A Class 1 SOT License permits a licensee to engage in the importation of NFA firearms. It is used in conjunction with a Type 08 FFL or a Type 11 FFL. A Class 1 Firearm License can cost between $500 to $1000 depending on the size of the business applying for the SOT.
A Class 2 SOT Firearm License – Manufacturers of NFA Firearms
A Class 2 SOT License permits a licensee to engage in the business of manufacturing NFA firearms. It us used in conjunction with a Type 07 FFL or a Type 10 FFL. A Class 2 SOT can cost between $500 to $1000 depending on the size of the business applying for the SOT.
A Class 3 SOT Firearm License – Dealer in NFA Firearms
A Class 3 SOT License permits a licensee to engage in the business of dealing NFA firearms. It is used in conjunction with a Type 01 FFL, a Type 02 FFL or a Type 09 FF. A Class 3 SOT costs $500.
How Long is an SOT Valid For?
SOTs are valid for one year, regardless of Class, and are valid from July 1 until June 30 of the next calendar year. Regardless of when an applicant submits their application, there is no proration of the cost to be paid and the SOT will still expire on June 30th. SOTs can be filed and paid online at Pay.gov.