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ATF eForms In Focus at 2021 FICC

Written by jon rydberg


March 03, 2021



HARTFORD, CT (March 4, 2021) – On January 28, the ATF provided a demonstration of the new electronic Form 4 to Orchid and other select members of the industry. Formally known as the “Application for Tax Paid Transfer and Registration of Firearm”, the Form 4 is used in the process of transferring NFA firearms to an unlicensed individual. The new electronic Form 4 is one of ten forms provided by ATF in their eForms system, alongside forms 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 6A, 9, 10 and 5300.11.

On Tuesday, June 8th, ATF will provide an overview and demo of its eForm software application to attendees of the Firearms Industry Compliance Conference (FICC). Hosted by Orchid and Williams Mullen, the conference session will include a review of the eForms application, a questions and answer session with Federal Firearms Licensees and an opportunity for manufacturing FFLs to provide input on the future design of the application.

Register for the 2021 FICC today to get an in-depth look at ATF eForms.


Orchid LLC and its subsidiaries offer business software, compliance software, and regulatory services to the shooting sports industry.  Orchid Solutions provides firearm payment processing services, Point-of-Sale, and ERP integration software to improve how retailers, ranges, and manufacturers sell firearms and accessories. The firm’s business software integrates directly with Orchid eBoundTM, an application that provides a powerful low-cost electronic Bound Book and an electronic ATF Form 4473. Orchid Advisors provides ATF, Import, and Export licensing and firearm compliance services to Federal Firearms Licensees. The firm shares its expertise with the industry through the FFL UniversityTM, FFL MasterClassTM and the Firearms Industry Compliance ConferenceTM. For additional information, visit www.OrchidLLC.com.


Williams Mullen is a regional, full-service law firm with approximately 240 attorneys in offices across North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Washington D.C. The firm’s Firearms Industry Group helps industry members navigate legal issues, from regulatory compliance to e-commerce development, financing needs and interest from the venture capital world. Additionally, Williams Mullen attorneys provide companies with advice and counsel in matters involving import and export controls, immigration and foreign direct investment, government contracting, and taxation. Visit them at http://www.williamsmullen.com.


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